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June Corbett

A member registered Oct 02, 2019

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We're all in this together; I'm starting my own GB Studio game as well. Maybe I will ask you for tips as it progresses. Ironically I also want to start from the Pokemon overworld sprites for my characters, and adjusting them enough to look original may prove difficult.

(13 edits)

This comment is based on a completion of Pine Creek, played on actual hardware.

Edit: Press "View Rest" below to read full comment.

The Good:

  • The game breaks out of the GB Studio mold, feeling unique.
  • The plot went beyond what I expected for GB Studio, high points being the case itself and your player being the son of the baker.
  • The palette choice was the best one--emulator saturation barely warps it.
  • The music, while understandably minimal being inside a demo, feels suitable; the tension track is very effective.
    • On that note, the house sequence (displayed on the right of this page) was very immersive.
  • The full-art images (hand, knife, circle) are well-made.

The Bad:

  • The character sprites, being obvious edits of the Pokemon overworld sprites, are distracting in how recognizable they are, making amateur what was otherwise a pleasing graphical style.
    • Less so for the infrequent copied overworld sprites, such as the trash cans.
  • The vulgarity/edge feels gratuitous--it currently feels like every third character gabs about drugs, alcohol, sex/adultery, or drops the F-bomb--I'd understand if it was a shady inner city, but not believable for a small forest town. I would appreciate it more if it was used wisely and sparingly at the right moments to subvert expectations.
    • Moments like the bully in the bottom right map felt fitting, given the circumstances; the girl at the park didn't (make it subtle).
    • Ironically, the NPCs who weren't vulgar were some of the most memorable and masterful, such as the library poet girl.
  • While understandably the protagonist cares a lot about his friend, I fail to find much motivation to myself; some background backstory feels like it's needed to flesh her out (no pun)--unless this is already present in day 2, where I could give it a pass.

Nonetheless, looking like a promising homebrew game, I will be playing the full version of Pine Creek when released.